Role of Herbs on Living being's Wellness
Herbs could have been part of daily food by the primitive people. Even application of herbs in day today life of modern society take it's the erstwhile well-trodden path of Tamils tracking back the history foremost of all other medical systems in the world based on the documented & archeological facts that it's origin sprouted between 10,000 to 4,000 BC. Kumarikandam or Lemuria or Atlantis with it's profound giant libraries and advanced radical population inclined to conclude as submerged continent due to natural causes. The Medical System is called Siddha.
Not all of the ancient medical knowledge is lost but, adequately trace out the later-coming Sangam literature. Also, from the cultural perspective, Siddha spread widely across the South of India during the era of Buddhism because most of the Buddhist monks rely on almsgiving and in return, spread dhamma, inspired people to take on virtues, the direct right decision in kings courts at the time of crisis and end warfare, in particular, they serve as medical practitioners, researchers, the role of psychologists in curing illness internally as well as externally in social plane.
Siddha is contemporaneous with those of the submerged lands Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Chinese and Grecian medicines, still, Siddha is till date revered with its proven history of sustaining it's effectiveness over physical, mental, and moral health while many of its contemporaries had become extinct over time.
Berberine Supplement
What is Berberine?
Berberine is a chemical found in several plants including European barberry, goldenseal, goldthread, greater celandine, Oregon grape, Phellodendron, and tree turmeric. Berberine is used for diabetics, high blood pressure. But there is no scientific proof.
Formula: C20H18NO4+
Berberine benefits:
- Berberine used people who struggled to maintain healthy blood sugar levels
- Decrease insulin resistance, making the blood sugar-lowering hormone ‘insulin’ more effective
- Decrease sugar production in the liver
- Slow the breakdown of carbohydrates
- Removes deep body fat that accumulates around the belly and organs
- Children, Pregnancy and breast-feeding It's LIKELY UNSAFE
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Siddha considers every living being as a microcosm of the universe. Five primordial elements namely earth, water, fire, air, and space, the three pulse beat/humours to track-vatha, pitta, and Kapha contribute to the make & wellness of the body. Siddha makes use of Herbs, Inorganic Substances & Animal Products and turn them as medicine or practical applicants for ailment.
Herbs which derive it's origin from Latin 'Herba' & Old French 'Herbe' includes fruit, seed, stem, bark, flower, leaf, stigma or a root, as well as non-woody plants. As herbs are natural extracts, they are free from side effects, significantly effective, permanent in the cure, eco-friendly, and locally abundant to sow and pluck.
A lot of herbs are used for the ailments related to varying seasons to save all living beings that breathe. Herbs are used as aroma, cosmetic, antiseptic, inflammatory substances, astringents, antibiotic substitute, expectorants, life-savers of various poisoning, natural stimulants, sedatives, mental curatives, metabolic de-toxicants, diet recipes.
The food we intake is processed into humor, tissues, and wastes. Keeping it's balance is wellness and imbalance results in illness. Saint Thiruvalluvar has clearly incited in his Thirukural,
"à®®ிகினுà®®் குà®±ையினுà®®் நோய்செய்யுà®®் நூலோà®°்
வளிà®®ுதலா எண்ணிய à®®ூன்à®±ு." - குறள் 941
"Three things beginning with wind, say experts,
In excess or lacking cause disease" - Kural 941
Also, another Thirukkural has bestowed step-wise insight on how to treat illness as below:
"நோய்நாடி நோய்à®®ுதல் நாடி அதுதணிக்குà®®்
வாய்நாடி வாய்ப்பச் செயல்." - குறள் 948
Disease, its cause, what may abate the ill:
Let leech examine these, then use his skill. - Kural 948
The techno-dependent digital age seems to ignore the importance of Siddha. It is not wide-accepted by the general public which in past is part & parcel of their culture. Hence, there is a proverb 'Food is medicine & Medicine is Food'.
Despite oddities of ignorance, many medical journals, research centers & passionate historians have put extravagant effort to show more light on the importance of Siddha. Today, the world recognizes Siddha as the holistic nature of to just healing disease but also a living way to function serenely in the wake of busy-scheduled daily life.
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