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Saturday, July 24, 2021

Is Motivation Necessary - How to get things done when you are not motivated

Doing things one must do, one can do, one may do defines how much 

motivation plays as a backdrop behind the action.

What are the reasons you lacking motivation?

Repetitive mundane jobs kill creativity. Any job is creative if one loves to do it. 

One has a driving thirst to excel in it. Choosing such a job couldn't be out of 

compulsion, no choice, sacrificing for others. Putting them into cultural aspects, 

tradition, diversity, volatile nature of the political & market economy, 

uncertainties like a natural disaster, man-made disasters, fallacy out of ignorance 

or self-deception, procrastination, anger management, or emotional 

illness issues, less verbal communication, gulping excessive visual feeds through 

mobile phones & other gadgets, socio-politico-economical conditions,  speed of 

life necessitating less thinking than more acting; indeed summoning to obey, 

deranged social measures enforced into people's minds through religion, media, 

law, and order apparently denigrate any human to stay put into the abyss of 

boredom and slackness.

In a materialistic world, human has to be mechanical to taste money. 

Contentment is replaced with money and money comes with fulfilling the wants 

of others & not yours. Missing your wow factor in every deed doesn't literally 

mean you are carrying on this without care & attention. IT simple doesn't count 

as a day well spent according to you. Tough days do assimilate into terrible 

dreams which keep your body-mind cohesive to the reasonability of existence. 

Just like every tiny to a big thing, everything starts within oneself. No bunch of 

James Allen, John Gray, Rhonda Bryne, Dale Carnegie, Stephen. 

Covey, Robert Kiyosaki, Dan Millman, Carlos Castenada can live your struggle. 

Self-Motivation books make best sellers for people who lack clarity on what's his 

mission on earth. I personally dislike books intended to bombard my thoughts to 

neither 'push to extreme' nor 'preach how-to-do's. I consider such 'best sellers' 

as hoodwinks. I respect them for writing what they know and how they 

progressed but, I simply ignore their works as triggers of cosmic confusion to my 


If you are in a real mess, accept that you are in the nuclear center of it. Then, 

adrenaline rush, blood to veins, craving to bring back order is a natural way of 

getting desperate as well as wake cozy brain cells to act turbulently. Thus, 

naturally you challenge and change the order of things. This is what I consider as 

real motivation.

When you do your things without giving up with zeal, things also fall to its places 

towards accomplishment. Even, if things didn't work out, one may walk away 

with pride and ultra satisfaction that what needs to be done is done: 'I can say all 

is done, I'm free of it now!'. If failure is a point of view (POV), success is POV. 

dangling pendulum is at a halt and continuous running phenomenon, fall to 

rise & rise to fall.

Motivation elapses as it is related to plenty of things. A few of them are as follows: 

Lack of Clarity, Lack of Curiosity, Lack of Necessity, Lack of Energy, Lack 

of Right Place, Time, Position, Lack of Order, Lack of Destiny, Lack of Finance, 

Lack of Companionship, Resources in need, Lack of Self-Forgiving, Lack of 

Independence, Lack of Equilibrium. A tiny plant requires photo-sensitive tendrils, 

adequate water, soil, natural protection, bare-minimum ecological conditions to 

grow further. You can't scream or clap hands to grow a plant.

Motivation occurs with keeping the balance of internal & external elements when 

one tent to act, if so, even a strongest obstacle may be the alchemy towards 

success. but to gather yourself with other practically essential skills too have an 

impact on productivity. 

One has to ask whether he/she wants to be a catalyst or enzyme. The main 

difference between catalyst and enzyme is that catalyst is a substance that 

increases the rate of a chemical reaction without losing a tiny bit of itself or being 

consumed throughout the process. Whereas enzyme is a globular protein that 

can increase the rate of biochemical reactions causing rate enhancements, the 

fact is enzymes cannot retain back their original state after a chemical reaction.

All about motivation

In accord to the circumstances and situations, humans have to master the 

catch and loose characteristics of when to be the catalyst and when to be the 


Not being a clever chameleon to shapeshift colors,  a stark model of 

reactionary lowlife to save the skin than responding to them without losing one's 

ethical straits, human value, self-acceptance. Motivation mostly comes from 

reading literature. Feel-good literature always inspires us. I  loved these famous 

lines from Fyodor Dostoevsky's unmatching excellence of novel 'Brothers 

Karamazov. This perfectly fits Motivation. It reads: “Above all, don't lie to 

yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point 

that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all 

respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.”

All this topic conveys is to identify and have the right motivation in place prior to 
taking a leap into action. It is most important to note that one of the eightfold-
path of Lord Gautama Buddha is 'Right Mindfulness'.

The same is depicted by Bhikku Thiruvalluvar in his work 'Thirukkural' (Teachings 

On Social Truth):

குறள் 666:
எண்ணிய எண்ணியாà®™்கு எய்து எண்ணியாà®°்
திண்ணியர் ஆகப் பெà®±ின்.

Thirukkural (Verse: 666) Engish Translation by G.U. Pope:

Whatever men think, even as they think, may men obtain,

If those who think can steadfastness of will retain.


If those who have planned (an undertaking) possess firmness (in executing it) 

they will obtain what they have desired even as they have desired it.

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