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Wednesday, July 14, 2021

How is Vipassana Meditation different

What is Meditation? 

Is it a 'practice'?

Is it a deed that has 'monetary value'? 

Is it ego's fulfillment of doing a great thing that the majority ignores to look 


Are there many meditation 'techniques'? 

What is the 'goal' behind Meditation? 

Why one has to do 'Self-Inquiry'?

With the whole bunch of Meditation 'Techniques' & 'Practices', 'Cults' claiming them as a 'Knack', Hindus claiming it as knowing that you are a soul, a method &  means to transform the 'ordinary' subconscious mind to transcend into 'incomparable' superconscious mind. 

Meditation has become a money-piling business while 'Yoga' is promoted in every IT corridor as a solution to stress, physical illness, and mental wellness. 

Transcendental Meditation, Nadha Brahma Meditation, Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Vishaadha Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Chakra Yoga, Sahaja Yoga, Power Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Bikram Yoga whatever the type of Yoga that most in the east & west are practicing, all of it has only one true intention, to run the mill of money to mislead people aloof of Meditation.  

Promotions by Cults, Business Strategists, Religious Propagandists, faked as Traditions and Discovery of Inner Self as all over the world. Any person with little keen eyes on what's happening in this area of harvest knows it's bogusness.

There is a neo explanation flowing in digital space that Meditation can't be performed but, is bound to happen while sitting comfortably, doing good deeds with clarity in mind, with deep involvement in whatever you do but, with one exception that witness everything including the thought, act & surroundings.

 Thus, Meditation is the opposite of concentration where the mind is pinpointed to focus on singular thought and ignorance of the rest. Meditation is a natural phenomenon where everything is inclusive and not opposed yet, one's focus is not dispersed because he is continuously conscious about everything that happens.

The only Meditation provided by Lord Gautama Buddha is Vipassana. It is not the goal of Vipassana to get simply physical benefits like losing weight and making your internals stronger and disease-free. One has to understand the philosophical necessity of why Lord Gautama Buddha has bestowed Vipassana to all. Nothing is comparative to Vipassana as it's a complete Mediation unlike  Yoga, Tantra, Mudhra, Pranayama, Kundalini by Hinduism or other religions.

Yoga is a sheer- rip-off from Vipassana Meditation. 

To answer the simple question: What is 'Buddhism?'  

The Father Of Indian Constitution(entitled to many honorees namely renowned Economist, Journalist, Philosopher, Historian, First Law Minister of Independent India, Research Scholar, Professor, Darling for Untouchables, Highest Holder of Degrees still left unbeatable, Maker behind Water Projects Of India, Formation of Reserve Bank Of India, Maker of Labour, Women & Child Rights, Who owned, turned his house as the Asia's largest library during his time, Slayer of Caste System, His Writings & Speeches goes greater than 14000 pages which exclude his unpublished writings) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in his (monumental last work, the very night he proofread and attained pari-Nibbana) the book 'The Buddha And His Dhamma' says:

1. To put every aspect of the universe based on Logical Reasoning: Cause & 

Effect Theory. 

2. For the benefit of the society based on Liberty, Equality & Fraternity

Step-wise let us understand why Vipassana is complete Meditation and Why rest are considered as Plagiarism of Buddhism Concepts.

Buddhism ascertains that nothing is permanent and things are ever-changing.

Lord Buddha spoke in Pali (lay people's language) rather than Sanskrit (the language belonging to the elite by birth i.e., priesthood class).  Because he disregarded Hinduism that practices Sanathana Dharma as the ultimate goal (ever-living rules & regulation for people to adhere according to their birth - classified as high to low called Caste System). It is important to understand certain terms in Pali to get the fullest meaning of Meditation and its purpose.

1. This applies to our actions, thoughts, and the way nature operates.

2. All living being's actions and thoughts are mostly done by reflex. Reflex actions as spontaneous and not pre-planned or well-thought deeds. In Pali,  it is termed as 'Aniccha'.  None of the living things can sit stern forever. It's is common that while sitting on the couch, talking to the team during work, we scratch our cheek, lay back on the seat, and cross our legs. They are Anicca. Thus, according to cause and effect theory, nothing is permanent and everything is everchanging.

3. In every position, movement our body takes a posture naturally. For eg., 

If you are sleepy, your body will take a posture i.e., to lay down horizontally. even, if no chair or support is given, if forced to stand, the human body will fall like a putrid leaf and lay down horizontally. So, the state of mind takes up body posture.

4. So, with unquenching self-quest for 13 years, Lord Buddha has dropped out all the needs and wants, finally got enlightened under the Bodhi Tree. Then, his body naturally took the Padmasana posture and hand movement is registered by his disciples as Mudhra during the Sangha Discourses.

Now, let us look into Vipassana.

The first part is known as Aana Paana (In & Out). This involved 3 steps.

1. To sit with hands palms-up on thighs, gently close eyes in a relaxed position 

whichever is comfortable for the individual.  

2. To focus at the entrance of the nostrils & observe vigilantly the breath coming in and going out as breath is the closest activity to oneself since our birth. .

3. Without any force, just observe the breath that comes in and goes out for 

minimum 10-40 minutes.

Define Vipassana.

Vipassana is not merely concentration. Vipassana is the observation of the truth within, from moment to moment. You develop your faculty of awareness, your mindfulness. Things keep changing, but you remain aware - this is Vipassana. 

But if you concentrate only on one object, which may be an imaginary object, then nothing will change. When you are with this imagination, and your mind remains concentrated on it, you are not observing the truth. When you are observing the truth, it is bound to change. It keeps constantly changing, and yet you are aware of it. This is Vipassana.

Why do we have to observe Breath?

Breath is the existing truth that is closely associated with our body & mind. It can be used as a tool to inquire and find the truth about ourselves, a phenomenon of body and mind. The wisdom if found can become not just our personal experience but, by all of the others who do the same. There is no need of any belief and brain-washing admittance of what is told in religious dogmas or doctrines of traditionally given rules to adhere to. Hence, Vipassana is the most democratic and revolutionary meditation.

Observing breath will enable us to get rid of our idiocy, on the one hand, conserve and expand our virtues on the other. All this is possible only if we know our minds, and the mind can be known through the breath. Learning about the mind can help us reforming it. Thus, the mind and respiration are closely linked with progress on the path of meditation. 

Anxious thoughts lead to fast breath, self-pity thoughts lead to dead slow breath,  chaos in a thoughts zig-zag from fast to slow breath & affect the rhythm of the breath. While observing the breath, we observe our mind so with continuous effort we rid of our anger, sorrow, illogical views, false perceptions, deranged behavior and act sane when the breath becomes normal. They indicate the disorders of the mind are related to our breathing. 

In fact, what happens when I observe normal respiration?

Lord Buddha stated sometimes we take a short breath as well as long breaths. Also, on certain occasions, the breath of air flows only through the right or left nostril. Being vigilant of our breath that associates body and mind, we can bring serenity to our body and mind. 

If the breath is artificial (i.e., wandering in thoughts means no natural breath) or externally forced to be heavy breath or gasp, we observe what's happening with our body and mind. Hence, awareness keeps progress as it controls our actions & inaction.

By keeping the mind to respond instead of reacting to situations, naturally, the mind gets sharpened. With accumulated reactions and their after-effects, the mind gets occupied in wandering thoughts and gross to lose balance. With the right response,  its natural reality is very sharp & sensitive.

Why do you say Pranayama, Yogasana, Mudhra is copycat practices of Lord Buddha's Vipassana?

The fundamental difference is Vipassana is composite in nature and Lord Buddha denies the concept of 'Soul' or 'Atman'. No Soul means 'Anatta' in Pali.  As Vipassana is a complete method of Posture (Asana), Breathe (Bring Ordinance to body and mind), Consciousness (Conscious of Cause & Effect towards Enlightenment). 

In Buddhism, meditation is considered as part of the path towards Nirvana. Lord Gautama Buddha has been said to have detected two important mental qualities that arise from practicing meditation. These are; serenity or tranquility that composes and concentrates the mind and insight, enabling the practitioner to explore the five aspects that constitute the sentient being, namely matter, sensation, perception, mental formation, and consciousness.

Hinduism stole the concept of Vipassana and bifurcated them into 3 different practices and falsely claim to achieve the one thing: To find your 'Soul' (Atman). This is totally opposite from the fundamental precept of Buddhism that stands on 'No Soul'. 

1. Breathing Practice alone as 'Pranayama' 

2. Body Postures as 'Yoga & Mudhra' 

3. Forcibly stay calm and concentrate on a divine object or light using Yoga Posture, along with Chant,  Prayer, Listen to tolling temple bell at regular intervals along with 'Yoga & Meditation Techniques'.

When it comes to practicing mindfulness, the Hindu Yoga and Buddhist traditions have nothing in common. Because, Hinduism's  Yoga, Pranayama, Tantra (Vignan Bhairav Tantra speaks about using Sex To achieve Superconsciousness), Mudhra tells about "Soul-finding' practice, blissing out while Buddhism taught the insight practices. 

Lord Buddha said, “I teach only Sila, Samadhi, and Panna" which is morality, consciousness, and insight. To Lord Buddha, Vipassana is provided to live happily with orderly thought & action by adhering to Sila, Samadhi, and Panna. 

'Yoga' talks about Samathi, as it claims 'Samathi' is the eighth and final limb of the eight-limbed (ashtanga) path which is doctrine based, not out of everyone's experience. Closing eyes you will be fascinated by various colors and shapes. The innumerous stock of gods & goddesses' blessing is needed for your 'spiritual progress' and they come out in dreams to direct your progress on daily yoga. 

All one can say is Meditation has a single goal in Hinduism, It is (originally Sanatana Dharma),  to attain oneness of the practitioner’s spirit (atman with) omnipresent and almighty (Paramatma or  Brahman). This state of one’s self is called Moksha in Hinduism. Another goal is to achieve miraculous power by practicing meditation. 

The Hindu scriptures prescribe certain postures to attain the state where the mind is in meditation. They are classified as Yoga.  Hindu scriptures like Vedas, Upanishads, and Mahabharata, including Gita, define meditation as “having become calm and concentrated, one perceives the self (atman) within oneself. 

According to Hinduism practices, very chosen few can reach the stage of dhyana despite their proper knowledge and strong passion. It is only through help, training, and willingness from Guru, to take you as a disciple, one can reach the final stage (Moksha). 

On the contrary, Lord Gautama Buddha says: Anybody can do Vipassana and its effects are equanimity to all. As he says, even one becomes pure in thought and action, that is is not alone the goal but, also to liberate all others suffering due to the lack of right understanding.  He encourages every being in the world to sow wisdom, love, and happiness within the world denouncing the classification of people by birth i.e., caste, creed, and concept of soul. 

To practice Pancha Sila, no god, prayer, qualification by class, caste, creed, belief is needed. 

1. Abstain from killing

  1. Abstain from stealing.
  2. Abstain from sexual misconduct
  3. Abstain from lying
  4. Abstain from intoxicants

Lord Buddha's Pancha Sila is an unwritten constitution adhered by human beings all over the world. Any country you go, these violating these five precepts will bring vain to one's life. Even, for a person in Sahara to one in Eskimo Pancha Sila finds its appeal. 

This is why the famous bodhisattva King Ashoka  proclaimed, "The Wheel of Dhamma will never be put to halt and as long as it spins it changes the world towards goodness'.

Thus, Lord Buddha's Vipassana is aimed at Social Liberation while Plagiarist concepts are aimed at Individual Salvation, Self-Centric gains, Escaping from the world, and longing for imaginary promises of another world.

Yoga Mat

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