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Monday, August 2, 2021

Beauty Secrets To Look Younger - Fashion Tips

Growing Age implies that youthfulness is slipping away naturally as the fruit 

ripens, the mind gets wiser which earth's gravity plays its effect on your whole 

body.  Being younger is a transitory phase of the whole life of the journey. Age 

ascertains a paradigm shift on picking the type of clothes you want to 


With funky prints having huge graffiti, dense & complex patterns, jargons 

appealing or oriented towards sexuality, if your clothes somehow showcase 

yourself as an anarchy lover or have smears & voluntary tailored cuts or worn 

outs at inappropriate places, instead of projecting you as a person cooler and 

younger, it may make as if you had gone a speed drive to a decade later. 


Wearing appropriate clothes to the occasion seems to be  crossing half the well 

by making an impression about yourself to others. Dresses, Attire find its share 

on your presentation skills. If the dress is conveying that you are exceptional and 

remain unplugged to the occasion, you won't look younger at ease but, projects

you as longing to look young.  

On many occasions subtle clothing choices such as belted dresses, 

jumpsuits, pantsuits, striped shirts, and such clothing with contrast, color 

combination, or collaboration makes you not only complete with 

contemporary teens but also, would be observed as neatness and prettiness of 

living example. 

Find the style that adds up to your natural beauty. 

The ground rule is clothes that fit exactly your body mass, Loose or tight fit 

clothes especially tight clothes give up your age, unable to feel at ease after you 

wear. Also, have an eye on the accessories you wear. The dress you wear should 

dissolve into oneness with your props. If not so, the makeup will blow out like a 

makeshift shelter for a heavy breeze. 

The composite idea of looking younger and prettier by using makeup is to 

replicate the skin, sparkle in the eyes, bubbling physique when you were 

younger. Imitating the younger skin via dusting powders won't diminish the 

innumerous minuscule thin bloodlines that run from your eye. But, highlighting 

or downplaying women's important parts of the body is the miracle that 

makeup will rewrite a new story for your beauty.

With respect to clothing, these are the personal rules I follow:

1. Don't do the shopping for someone else particularly while picking apparel. 

Spend the right amount for the good quality of fabric wearing cheap fabrics or 

wearing overpriced fabric has its own imbalance both in your lifestyle as well 

as the money and brand choice of makeup accessories. 

2. If your earnings have constraints on distribution to other expenses. Let the 

queen be the queen on lavish apparel, you be the Cinderella elegant and 

beautiful in your own hut with neat, clean, simplistic apparel. 

3. Choosing the right shop that provides you a variety of clothing collections 

that fits your taste instead of entering into every retailer. By doing so, you 

manage your time well and won't get dissatisfied about the picked choice of 


4. Observe the first 5-7 minutes on the first impression you get after you 

entered the shop, throw a glance at goods that are showcased, and filled all 

over the racks, if you are not feeling ignited  or the rack content consists more 

of flattering outfits; just move into next store owing an excuse of apology. Wise 

way of shelling out money too is an acquired & needful skill.

Lip Stick, Lip Gloss, Lip Liner, or Lip Guard?

All are the ones that you can smear on your lips.

Lipsticks are heavier & creamer product that suits every day need; to apply for 

providing a strong and sure color to the lips, long-lasting. With a lip liner it 

elevates lip enhanced and pout accordingly. Durability is more even after 

multiple touch-ups for an instant after having your 3 times fill and varying 

climatic conditions.  

The clear hack on Lipstick is this. They are only of these choices; semi-gloss, 

matte, super high gloss, frost, satin, 24x7 lipstick. Lipsticks create a necessity 

to look at the mirror if you are definite to give a punch of dramatic effect on lips.

Lip gloss is a stickier product to provide a shiny finish every time; the shade of 

color matters more than the density of heaviness, but it applies a real sheen to 

the lips and has a more juicy formula.  They provide shine rather than color and 

are therefore ideal if you want others to pay attention to other areas, 

downplay your lips. It is used to make your lips fuller due to the reason of 

catching light but short living on the contrast to the long-lasting ability of lipstick; 

that you have to apply multiple times throughout the day.  

More suitable for work atmosphere especially when no time before attending 

conference, client meeting, or giving a presentation. Lip gloss requires no need 

of a mirror, it can be dabbed on lips whenever and could be swiped over swiftly.

Lip liners are not apt for all kinds of lips. Lip liners are generally aimed for 

younger women. Lip liners help to define lips - to conceal or reveal the size, 

the density of pigmentation, go well with matte lipsticks. Mostly used for layering 

over the lipsticks

Lip guards are intended as a domestic personal care product, medical purpose 

to resolve your lips from winter crack or lack of hydration; to  moisturize lips 

The choice of color always appears light and little shine, restore waxiness as 

protective shield against the external environment.

No matter how many age-defying steps you take, choosing the right the 

product, applying them on clean, hydrated, and moisturized skin is the most 

the fundamental thing with workable makeup.

Say no to artificial or instant Anti-aging treatments:

Natural skin tightening and brightening chemicals may tighten your skin and 

make it look youthful in a short time. But, the life span is little for them because 

of its side or sometimes adverse effects.  In many instances, they are 

provided to be skin damaging or lead your body to be disease prone along 

with a fight with aging problems such as wrinkles, eye bags, saggy skin, heavy 

pigmentation. However, facials, scrubs, face masks, applying the natural oil, 

cucumber on eyes and other skin tightening processes are welcome-able for 

nourishment to look youthful & prettier.

Foundation, Lip Treatment, Clothing for Older Women:

Keep the foundation simple.  Focus more on the upper part of the body parts 

then the lower ones. Raised Cheekbones beside the lower eyes should be well-

cared off than the dimple part of the cheek. keep the hair bushy then trimming 

them. Too much glitter will make pores and wrinkles more visible. Clothes 

should have space to flutter for breeze and appropriate with props, makeup, 

gloss applied lips.

For women with increasing age, the milk, powder & sugar 

should be blended well to make a good coffee. Blend the foundation, lipstick, 

clothes, accessories perfectly on you. After all, makeup helps to make you 

feel better, give back steering look; self-driven artistry to walk in confidence.

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