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Tuesday, June 22, 2021

A poetess in the country (My verse)

 A poetess in the country

 (My verse)

Her poem
stomps on
and splattered into pieces.

it's fluid
wets the soil

Her poem
when shadow is
slapped over
its face by
slammed door.

it knew
everyone watched
and no one care
about what happened.

it's eyes
knuckles squeezed
yet, grew silent.

Her poem
to hide 
its shame.

flaming pages
to annihilate its heat.

words rose up
powdered tower 
of black smoke
as if its 
waste truck's rear

hard-hitting truth 
stinks pungently
to ensure faces

Her poem
underaged daughters
exploited by
male chauvinistic men,
greedy government,
gutless on-lookers.

it has
many dust-covered

One from Austin, US
that gasped
for breath
when a bent knee
pressed on its neck
and bellowed
'i can't breathe'.

Another from Khairlanji, India
worse than an
kinky pornography
that kins are forced
to indulge in incest

Her poem
for centuries 
always faced
gallows offered to
those who stand for right 

Her poem
managed to 
weave it's precious
love for
the people
who read it

tried finding
what all are lost
In the country

erected above
under gushing utters
people pushed there
to search their
daily fistful of rice.

Her poem
dog awakes people
at night
at those who
wag their tails,
smiles to
those who answer back
the bark.

Her poem 
never end
with or
without her

it wept
for caged
& whispered
to them
never give up
their will
to free.

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Recent Post : My Venus, My Love (Poem)

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